Developmentalism Vs Wellbeing of South Asian Societies
(DeWeSAS 2023)
23rd - 26th February 2023
- Abstracts or full papers should be submitted under the appropriate tracks. DeWeSAS adheres to a zero-percent plagiarism policy. The submitted paper must be 100% original. If you are referring to any other paper, you should have proper permission to use their research, and proper reference/citation should be given in the paper.
- An author declaration form signed by all authors should be submitted along with the abstract or full paper.
- Papers should be organized in the following sequence:
- Title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Main subject text (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion)
- Acknowledgments, (if desired)
- References (American Psychological Association – APA referencing style
- Language: All papers must be in good English. It is anticipated that the authors will submit their well-written papers after careful proofreading devoid of spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Paper size: A4
- Margins and spacing: Abstracts/ Full papers must be one-spaced, with margins of 1.5 inches on the left and 1 inch on the top, right, and bottom.
- Font and font size: Headings (Times New Roman 12 font size, Bold, Centered).
Body (Times New Roman 12 font size, justify)
- File format: Abstracts/ Full papers must be submitted in a word file format
- Figure format: Should be given in the below format.
- Table format: The table number and description should be at the top of the table. See the below format.
Table 01: Important dates of the conference (Times New Roman, 11, Italic, centered)
Date |
Event |
January, 12 2023 |
Abstracts/ Full paper submission |
February, 01 2023 |
Acceptance of Abstracts/ Full paper |
- Pages should be numbered in the page footer, including the first page, as is done here.
- Footnotes should be avoided. The corresponding text should be incorporated into the main text.