Developmentalism Vs Wellbeing of South Asian Societies
(DeWeSAS 2023)
23rd - 26th February 2023
Who We Are
With the support of global capital, big corporates have entered into developing countries. They have impacted world polity and the political economy of our countries in South Asia. So called development has become the political dictate. This is exclusive development and hence we may call it as "Developmentalism " which is largely against the wellbeing of the societies. This kind of phenomenal development has strengthened the divide between rural and urban areas in SA. This is also not sustainable as it ruins the environmental resources. Finally, it has fractured democracy as visible in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Geographers must be sensitized to such issues. Interdisciplinary research may reveal these facts and also emerge with solid policy instruments to reestablish democracy, environmental protection and inclusive development. DeweSAS 2023 is organized by the Department of Geography – University of Kelaniya jointly with the Maharashtra Bhugolavidya association - India, Solapur University – India, Pangea Geographical Association – India and Sri Lanka Association of Geography (SLAG) will provide a platform for bringing together various intellectual high-quality research work. It will add extraordinary value for Students, Research Scholars, and Academicians, Policy Makers & Regulators. NGO’s, industry persons and Registered Society/Trust, Scientists, Environmentalists & Geospatial Technologists.

EditorDr.Nishan Sakalasooriya
Senior Lecturer – Department of Geography University of Kelaniya

EditorDr Mrs K.R.N.Harshani.
Senior Lecturer – Department of Library and information Science, University of Kelaniya

EditorDr. (Mrs.) Priyanwada Wanigasooriya
Senior Lecturer – Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya

Co – EditorMrs. Apsara Danasekara
Lecturer - Department of Geography University of Kelaniya