Guidelines for Preparation of Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for an oral/ poster presentation based on original research for consideration at the International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS) 2024.



The submission of papers should be done through the Microsoft Conference Management Tool.
The instructions for creating a CMT account can be found in ‘HOW-TO: Account Creation.
The instructions for submitting an abstract using the CMT system can be found at  How to submit an abstract on ICAPS-2024.

**Please note that the papers sent via email or the papers submitted after the deadline will not be considered for review.

Authors are required to follow the guidelines and use the relevant template provided to prepare both the abstract and the extended abstract that are to be uploaded to CMT. The abstracts/extended abstracts that are not prepared according to the guidelines provided will not be considered for review.

To facilitate the blind review process, authors should not disclose the names of authors and their affiliations in the abstract or extended abstracts initially, as instructed on the abstract/ extended abstract templates.

However, the details of the authors should be included separately on the Authors section of the CMT submission page. In addition, authors should submit the Author Declaration Form along with the initial submission of the abstract/extended abstract. Research work presented or published elsewhere will not be considered. Only the abstract (not the extended abstract) will be published in the Conference Proceedings upon acceptance for ICAPS 2024.

Key documents of interest: Abstract, Extended Abstract, Author Declaration Form




1. Content of the Abstract

The abstract must be based on original research and unpublished work. The abstract should contain an introduction to the study with objectives, methodology/materials and methods, results, conclusion and recommendations presented in a single paragraph without subheadings or references. The abstract must be written in clear, grammatically accurate English. The text of the abstract should be between 300-500 words.

2. Font Type, size and page layout

Font Type: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Line spacing: Single spacing

Paper Size: A4

Paper formatting: Left and right margin 3.00 cm.Top and bottom 2.50 cm.

3. Language

British English

4. Title

Font Type: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Font Face: Bold

Title Alignment: Center-aligned

Title format: Only the first letter of the first word should be in capital other than nouns and accepted abbreviations. The Latin binomial names of micro-organisms, plants and animals should be in italics. If common or vernacular names are used, they should be followed by the scientific name and be included in parentheses.

5. Authors and Affiliation – to be provided only after the completion of the review and acceptance of the Abstract.

Authors font type and size:

Font Type: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10 and centred text inline.

List all authors’ names with initials (e.g. Amara S. A., Patel K. N. and Premarathne C. D.). The name of the presenter should be underlined, and the corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk (*). Author affiliations should be written in the next line leaving a single space.

The author's name(s) and affiliation(s) should be numbered using superscripts. The number should be placed on the top right for the name(s) and the top left for affiliation(s).

6. Keywords

Up to five (05) keywords, arranged in alphabetical order, each starting with a capital letter.


Extended Abstract:

Please note that the Extended abstract will be used only to facilitate the review process and will NOT BE PUBLISHED in the Conference Proceedings.

In preparing the Extended abstract, the same guidelines as for the abstract are to be followed, with additional content organized according to the following subheadings.

Introduction with research problem and objectives, methodology/materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion/s and recommendations.

The extended abstract should be between 3-4 pages, inclusive of the reference page, covering up to 1,500 words with page numbering on the bottom right of the page.



1. Abbreviations

Abbreviations can be sued if they have been defined previously.

2. Tables & Figures

All tables and figures must be captioned and included as part of the text immediately after the first point of reference. The caption for a figure appears below the graphic; for a table, it should be above the table.

Example:    Figure 3. The motion of a parcel of air as it flows across a mountain.

3. Mathematical operations and Mathematical equations

Use equation mode (Alt + ‘=’) to input mathematical symbols or Mathematical equations.

4. Units

Use the System of International (SI) units. A single space should be left between the numerical value and the unit. 

**Please refer to the below documents:

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Thank you for your participation.