(ICAPS 2023)
"Sustainable Development through the Advancement of
Science and Technology"
13 October 2023
@ Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Welcome to ICAPS 2023
In 2023, the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, organises the International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS), opening an extensive discussion platform for both the academia and industry worldwide researchers to present their findings in the domains of Biological Sciences, Computing, Multidisciplinary research and Physical Sciences.
In this Holocene era, seeing different human impacts on the earth and its animals has become quite apparent. Although this is the shortest epoch in history, many extinctions have been reported. Further, with the dominant circumstances in the world, it is emphasised that humans must think and work in a somewhat different way for the existence and the betterment of our planet. In this context, we as a Science Faculty believe that these sustainable development goals can be achieved through the advancement of science and technology. Setting this as the theme, ICAPS 2023 invites all the inspired researchers and innovators to send research abstracts/extended abstracts and full papers to make this conference a grand success. We are proud to announce that this year, the event will be held as a physical conference.

Conference Tracks
Multidisciplinary Research
Physical Sciences
Software Intensive Systems
Plenary Speakers

11 August 2023
Full Paper/Abstract Submission Deadline (Extended)
11 August 2023
05 October 2023
Notification of Acceptance (Extended)
09 October 2023
Camera Ready Submission Deadline (Extended)
09 October 2023
10 October 2023
Registration Deadline (Extended)
13 October 2023
13 October 2023