ICAPS 2021 - Chief Guest - Prof. Nilanthi De Silva

ICAPS 2021 Keynote Speaker - Emeritus Prof. Veranja Karunaratne, Vice-chancellor, SLINTEC Academy, Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology.

ICAPS 2021 - Dean/ Faculty of Science

ICAPS 2021
“Green Technology Towards a Knowledge-based Economy”.
The ICAPS 2021 conference, organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya with the aim of providing an avenue for both local and international researchers to present their latest advances in green technology that encompasses the spheres of biological, physical, and computer sciences, with potential contribution to develop a Knowledge-based Economy. This is the sixth consecutive year that the faculty of science has taken lead in organizing ICAPS 2021 and it intends to establish a common platform for academia and industry to share their knowledge, innovations and state of the art on current green technology appropriate for sustainable economic development and to enhance human welfare. ICAPS 2021 offers 4 tracks or domains to present research findings, innovations and ideas, while devoting an extensive niche for multidisciplinary research.
Due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation, ICAPS 2021 will be held on a hybrid platform where the participants will be able to participate physically or virtually. Researchers and practitioners are invited to send research abstracts/extended abstracts and full journal articles to make this conference a grand success.

Biological Sciences

Dr. Craig Bunt
Professor of Agricultural Innovation,
The University of Otago,
The University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Physical Sciences

Dr. Charith Nanayakkara
Principal Scientist
Semiconductor Technology Development
Applied Materials Boston, MA, USA
Principal Scientist
Semiconductor Technology Development
Applied Materials Boston, MA, USA
Multidisciplinary Research

Dr. Dane Lamb
Senior Lecturer
Environmental Engineering,
RMIT University,
Melbourne, 3000.
Senior Lecturer
Environmental Engineering,
RMIT University,
Melbourne, 3000.
Software Intensive Systems

Dr. Rukshan Athauda
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and computing
University of Newcastle
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and computing
University of Newcastle
Abstracts or full papers can be submitted to the conference under the following four tracks. The deadline for submission is 31st May 2021.
- Ecosystem approach to natural resource management
- Microbiology for economic enhancement
- Safe foods for 21st century
- Novel trends in post harvest application
- Recent advances in horticulture
- Trends in Plant Science
- Biological research for improved health-related quality of life
- Biotechnology, genetic engineering and applications
- Pest management
- Vector and disease management
- Recent advances in non-communicable disease management
- Animal conservation and wildlife
- Animal behavior and ethology
- Biochemistry
- Natural products
- Eco-tourism
- Sustainable forest management
- Biological Sciences for economic recovery
- Material Physics
- Nanotechnology
- Astronomy and Cosmology
- Applied Physics
- Electronics
- Emerging topics in Physics
- Mathematical and Computational Physics
- Energy harnessing and management
- Quantum Mechanics
- Environmental & Chemical Analysis
- Mathematical, Statistical, and computational modelling
- Financial Mathematics
- Operations research
- Theoretical Statistics
- Algebraic combinatorics and optimization
- Industrial Mathematics
- Quality and process controlling
- Computational Chemistry
- Physical Sciences for economic recovery
- Internet, computer communications and networking security
- Virtual reality and augmented reality
- Computational intelligence and systems engineering
- Data mining and Big data analytics
- Artificial neural networks
- Natural language processing
- Machine learning
- Image processing and computer vision
- E-Learning systems
- Distributed and cloud-based systems
- Smart systems applications for social & economic recovery
- IoT
- Blockchains
- Harnessing natural resources for health and wealth
- Renewable energy development concepts
- Geo-informatics for scientific research
- Waste management
- Mathematical statistical and computational modelling in multidisciplinary areas
- Innovation and novel technologies for smart city and industry
- Applying indigenous knowledge in scientific research
- Statistical applications in multidisciplinary research
- Optimization and related applications
- Applications in survival analysis and reliability
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Computational Biology
- Industrial ecology
- Empowering women in sustainable development
- Water Quality Assessment
- Environmental pollution and human health
- Application of science, technology and innovations to improve lives, systems and reconstruction of the economy
- Materials developments and characterization
- Supply chain management and networks
- Disaster management
- Economic development
Key Moments from Inauguration Ceremony of ICAPS 2021