Developmentalism Vs Wellbeing of South Asian Societies

(DeWeSAS 2023)

23rd - 26th February 2023


Developmentalism Vs Wellbeing of South Asian Societies 2023

DeWeSAS 2023

With the support of global capital, big corporates have entered into developing countries. They have impacted world polity and the political economy of our countries in South Asia. So called development has become the political dictate. This is exclusive development and hence we may call it as "Developmentalism " which is largely against the wellbeing of the societies.  This kind of phenomenal development has strengthened the divide between rural and urban areas in SA.

Tentative program of the DeWeSAS

University of Kelaniya – 23rd February, 2023

9.30 am
9.30 - 9.35 am
Welcome speech/ Objectives
of the conference
Conference Chair: Prof. Lal Mervin Dharmasiri
9.35 - 9.40 am
Address by Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences,
Prof. MM Gunathilaka
9.40 - 9.50 am
Addressed by the Vice Chancellors
Prof. Nilanthi De Silva, Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya
Dr. Mrunalini Fadnavis, Vice Chancellor, Solapur,Maharashtra, India

Themes and Sub Themes of DeWeSAS-2023

Natural Resources: Management and Conservation
Impacts of Environmental degradation on Social, Economic and Cultural Spheres
Education and Technology for Sustainable Development
Geo Economics and Politics
Sustainable livelihood
Hydrology and Water Management
Monsoon Asia
Green Economy
Chief Guest<br>His excellency Mr.Gopal Baglay
Chief Guest
His excellency Mr.Gopal Baglay
High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka.
Guests Invitees<br>Mr. Nihal Ranasingha
Guests Invitees
Mr. Nihal Ranasingha
Secretary of Ministry of Education
Guests Invitees<br>Senior Professor Chandana P. Udawatte
Guests Invitees
Senior Professor Chandana P. Udawatte
Vice Chairman of the University Grant Commission
Guest of Honours<br><br>prof.nilanthi de silva

Guest of Honours

prof.nilanthi de silva

cadre-chair-senior-professor-Vice Chancellor University of Kleaniya

Guest of Honours<br><br>Dr. Mrunalini Fadnavis

Guest of Honours

Dr. Mrunalini Fadnavis

Vice Chancellor
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, India

Keynote speaker<br><br>Abdur Rahim Siddiqui

Keynote speaker

Abdur Rahim Siddiqui

Representative and Country Director at UN World Food Programme (WFP) Sri Lanka

Guest of Honours<br><br>Prof. M.M. Gunathilake

Guest of Honours

Prof. M.M. Gunathilake

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Kelaniya

Resource Persons<br><br>Emeritus Prof. NK Dangalle

Resource Persons

Emeritus Prof. NK Dangalle

Department of Geography
University of Kelaniya

Resource Persons<br><br>Dr. Praveen G. Saptarshi (Chairman)

Resource Persons

Dr. Praveen G. Saptarshi (Chairman)

Professor of Sustainability Management Pangaea Geographical Association & Maharashtra Bhugolshastra Parishad Pune ,India

Our Colobarators


Important Dates


30th Jan 2023

Abstarct / Full Paper Submission Deadline


30th Jan 2023

08th Feb 2023

Notification of acceptance


13th Feb 2023

Submission of camera ready copy


13th Feb 2023

23rd Feb 2023

Conference Date


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