Sustaining Excellence in Multidisciplinary Research in the Context of the New Normal


Research over the years has grown in multiple directions, sustaining the interest in an academic inquiry into new knowledge. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research has been able to push the academic inquiry onto new frontiers creating new avenues, new disciplinary interests, and new world views. At the same time, in recent years a new normal has taken place as the world’s social structures have been challenged by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Millions of people lost their lives and jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which certainly has shaken the world. Therefore, a collaboration between business organizations, stakeholders, and scholars will be vital to face these new challenges. Business organizations and stakeholders will be challenged by questions like, how will they operate in the new normal? How will they maintain a sustaining relationship? How will they challenge by society as never before? At the same time, scholars of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research will also be challenged.


Drawing on these challenges in the new normal, this year’s International Postgraduate Research Conference focuses on “Sustaining Excellence in Multidisciplinary Research in the Context of the New Normal”. We believe horizons in research should be expanded and experimented to provide new knowledge to face these new challenges. Thus, we invite papers that inquire into disciplinary differences and specificities that expand and sustain new ideas in their different fields and through their collaborative efforts to comfort and thrive the society in the new normal. We welcome papers in the following broader tracts that focus on building a better future by examining many questions as we move towards a new normal.



Business Management

Computing & Technology

Humanities & Social Sciences


Medical Sciences

Digital Science





Key-note Speaker


Professor LIM, Cher Ping (林質彬教授)














Professor Lim Cher Ping was a Professor of Education and was the Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence for Teacher Education and Innovations and Director of International Partnerships at the School of Education in Edith Cowan University (Australia). His research and development focus has been on supporting the sustainability and scalability of innovations in schools and teacher education institutions. Professor Lim has also provided technical consultancy services on information and communication technology in education to UNESCO, Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, World Links, Microsoft, universities, schools, and the Government of Barbados, Indonesia, and Oman. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of The Internet and Higher Education.

Area(s) of Expertise:


  • Games and learning in schools
  • ICT in teacher education
  • Innovations in assessment and curriculum and their sustainability and scalability in education ecological systems



Conference Date

12th January 2022


Conference Chair

Senior Professor Ariyarathna Jayamaha


Conference Co-ordinators


Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies:Dr. Pubuduni Jeewandarage

Faculty of Computing & Technology: Dr. Laalitha Liyanage

Faculty of Medicine: Prof. N.M. Devanarayana

Faculty of Humanities: Dr. Chandeera Gunawardhana

Faculty of Science: Senior Professor L.B.D.R.P. Wijesundara

Faculty of Social Sciences: Dr. Namali Suraweera

Board of Study in Digital Learning: Dr. Anuradhi Welhenge

Board of Study in Multi-disciplinary Studies: Dr. W.V.A.D. Karunarathne



Conference Flyer - View


Abstract Volume IPRC 2021 - View


Program Schedule IPRC 2021 - View