
Submit your full paper (read the 'Submission Guidelines') by clicking on the Download the submission Button.

Follow the following steps before you submit

Paper Submission Guidelines:

  1. Authors are responsible for the originality and the linguistic accuracy of manuscripts. The submitted manuscripts should have not been published in another journal/conference/magazine.
  2. Manuscripts should be in English (Times New Roman, 12pt, single column) in 1.5 line spacing on B5 paper leaving 0.8 inch margin on all four sides of the paper.
  3. Authors can submit the soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word format after preparing as per the submission guidelines, through the conference management system
  4. Manuscript of the paper should have a cover page providing the title of the study (Bold, sentence case, 14pt), name(s) (12pt), institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail addresses (11pt, italic) of all the authors.
  5. The abstract (11pt, justified) should not exceed 250 words and may include the problem, purpose, methodology, findings and the contribution.
  6. Maximum of five (05) keywords related to the topic should be given.
  7. The manuscript may organize under the headings of; introduction, literature review, methods, findings and discussion followed by the conclusion.
  8. Three categories of heading are defined as: Heading 1 (Bold, left align, 12pt), Heading 2 (Bold, left align, 12pt) and Heading 3 (Bold, italic, left align, 12pt).
  9. Tables and figures are to be numbered and directly placed in the text.
    1. Naming tables; Table 1: Title in bold, 12pt, placed above the table.
    2. Naming figures; Fig 1: Title in bold, 12pt, placed below the figure.
    3. The source should be placed right below the figure or the table; in Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic.
  10. Formulas are to be numbered in Times New Roman, 11pt, align to the right margin next to the formula.
  11. If it is needed to acknowledge somebody or an institution, it should be mentioned between the conclusion and references.
  12. Footnotes and endnotes should not be used for citations. Citations and references should be in accordance with the APA 6th format.